Following on from a previous entry (GOA Seawatch 2007) we decided to stop off in Seaton, Devon for the never before known but now world famous chips & curry sauce. Coincidently whilst on our way to the chip shop we got wind of another seagull not showing in a field from a hide, a fantastic place for any G.O. to spend the afternoon. We arrived at the hide where the seagull was not showing from to be met with what i can only describe to you as pardon the phrase 'carrot crunching twitchers'. We eventually managed to set up some optics for the GOA to look for the seagull and were pointed in the general area the seagull was not showing from. As more and more twitchers arrived the atmosphere in the hide was becoming tense, suddenly the seagull decided to stretch its wings and was in full view (somewhere) as it flew away with about 100 other seagulls. What a fantastic spectacle 101 seagulls flying. Time for chips & curry sauce and some General Ornithology, for 3 hours we studied seagulls in fields, on water, at the seaside and some flying ones, a great way to spend any afternoon. With news of people from 'all over' coming to seaton we decided to leave and head home. Whilst driving home i recieved a call from Junior GOA member Mr Double Penetration (DP for short) to say he had found the seagull not showing in a field but 'showing' on a roof opposite the now world famous chip shop, he even managed a photo mr.bailey would be proud of. And in true style the seagull flew away again before the twitchers could see it. A fantastic result you must agree.
as the ad for mcdoxxlds says 'im lovin it'
I'm not.Bloody tourists......
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